Eye Zone Care -

3 Simple Strategies to Save The SKIN AROUND EYES from Aging

The perception of the entire face depends on the condition of the around the eye area.

There is a saying: "a team is only as good as its weakest member". The orbital or around-the-eye area is a spot where aging manifests itself first.

It has to do with its anatomical structure and functionality. When we smile, cry, blink, roll our eyes, raising brows, or rub our eyes - all those activities involve eye movements and stress the delicate skin. Lack of sleep, food, and cosmetic allergy, hormone changes, pollution, you name it, everything is reflected in our eyes.

As we age, the eyes become less bright, their shape changes, the skin on the upper and lower eyelids becomes wrinkled.

The shape of the eyes depends on the structure of the orbital bones. Small but strong, those bones protect the eyeball. With age, those bones change as well and the eye may start to look hollow.

Typical "beauty standard" is the eye about 1-11/5 wide and 10 inches long where the outer corner is higher than the inner one.

Superficial aesthetic problems in the eye area can be quite different: the thinning of the skin, dryness, loss of elasticity, dehydration, the atrophy of the underlying tissues.

Those are the causes of wrinkles, drooping eyelids, and under the eye bags.

Dark circles under the eye appear due to several exogenic and endogenic causes.

There was a theory that the age-related changes in the soft tissues were the cause of the deepening wrinkles. However, the studies showed that the main problem is the change in the periorbital bone structure. It leads to the shift of the soft tissue that loses its support.

Here is a quote from nature.com website article

The orbicularis retaining ligament (ORL) is a structure for maintaining the eyelid and cheek skin and contouring the characteristic facial appearance.

Simply said, it is the opening in the skull that hosts the eye and eyelids.
As we age, this opening changes its horizontal alignment to a vertical one, causing the rearrangement of the soft tissues of the eye zone. We can spot it as a so-called 'tear trough' line (3).
It is a deep crease between the lower eyelid and upper cheek that casts a shadow below the eyes, making a face look tired.

The other unwanted age signs are drooping upper eyelids, depressions in the temple area, the shift of the eyebrows, crow feet wrinkles, under-eye hernias (1), malar bags (2), loss of cheek volume, deepening of the lid-cheek crease (4).

Aging skin around the eyes

Targeting soft tissues with home-use cosmetics and professional treatments will not bring good results as the underlying cause is the loss of bone and subcutaneous fat volume.

The other problem is a slower regeneration rate of the skin due to the aging process. The lower quantity and weakening of the skin rebuilding cells results in the diminishing number of the active capillaries and their thickening.
In turn, it slows down the blood flow and causes blockages and swelling.

The cheek and eye areas consist of the smaller compartments of the subcutaneous fat of a different density. That is why the swelling and loss of volume are the causes of the uneven relief of the face.

What strategy to choose to prevent and maintain the youthfulness of the face?

There is an efficient approach that targets the underlying causes of undesired changes in the eye area:

  1. preserving and maintaining the bone structure;
  2. conserving and maintaining the tissue's volume, including fat and muscles;
  3. restoring and supporting skin elasticity.

Apply three strategies at the same time and as early as possible.
Do not wait until the skin around the eye starts to look aged: act as soon as you notice the first unwanted changes.

Bone structure:

  • make sure to work on the posture and include posture correcting exercises as a daily routine;
  • monitor your bone mass and make sure you take supplements to preserve bone density;
  • fix all dental issues. Fix the missing teeth timely with.
  • Restore abraided or crooked teeth and correct the bite;
  • wear a night guard for teeth;
  • breathe through the nose and work on proper lip and tongue resting position.

Face volume:

  • maintain healthy fat/muscle ratio after 45, with the preference to build muscles VS losing too much weight;
  • restore missing volume with dermal fillers;
  • drink enough water;
  • perform passive or active exercises of facial muscles.

Skin turgor:

  • supply skin with stimulants and nutrients via topical skincare;
  • activate the cell's turnover with professional and home use treatments;
  • eat healthy to provide enough vitamins and reduce oxidative stress;
  • fight dehydration inside out.


What do we offer:

  • - under the eye patches for daily application to help with the under eye bags. The patch mechanically fixates the skin and holds it in place. Applied daily first thing in the morning, it relieves the morning swelling, prevents the skin from stretching, and hydrates the skin;
  • - microcurrent eye zone massager. The electrical impulses of microcurrent work on cellular, muscular and subcutaneous fat levels. It stimulates the cellular regeneration and restores the sagging muscles;
  • - high frequency massager. The static electricity applied to the skin stimulates the circulation and removes blockages;
  • - bio-active topical products. The ingredients created using the latest technologies are able to penetrated deeper into the skin to stimulate and nourish the cells.

  • This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way.
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